A Note to Pastors and Leaders

In ministry, it is tempting to put major focus on the giving of finances. With an aim to do things in excellence, a budget can quickly be exceeded putting pressure on leadership to ‘raise’ funds to do the work of ministry. Yet it is important for us as leaders to keep laser like focus on the intent of God for our ministries, and that is to build His people. I am persuaded that as we are good stewards over what is contributed to our ministries, if we are consistent in giving as leadership (as Malachi 3:10 is spoken first to the priests), God will honor our efforts and provide for every need in abundance. Knowing this, instead of having a mentality to push the people to GIVE, we can push them/ train them/ teach them to LIVE- out their faith! The truth of the matter is: If we push them in their LIVING, God with push them in their GIVING! Selah.

+ Michael Grant, Jr.

Giving: The Way to Abundant Living

Most everyone wants to be able to enjoy the finer things in life. We work long and hard hours in hopes of not only taking care of our needs, but also the ability to enjoy the occasional splurge. Yet, sometimes it seems as if we get stuck in seasons, phases or places of stagnation. We want to be able to get more out of life, but it just seems to be out of our reach. I am convinced that the key to breaking out of that dormant place is to commit to being a GIVER…having a Contributor Mentality. When humanity had fallen far from the Creator’s reach, John 3:16 tells us that His love prompted Him to GIVE His only begotten son; and now anyone who believes has access not only to life with Him on earth, but abundant life with Him throughout all of eternity! If we don’t have what we want in life we should shift our focus from what we don’t have to what we do have and how it can benefit others. Luke 6:38 reveals the principle by which we can access abundance, stating that when we GIVE it activates a running over anointing towards us. How would you like to have so much abundance in your areas of need that your supply runs over like a tub of water overflowing, saturating the floor of your entire dwelling place; causing you to feel the evidence of overflow with every step that you take? That is what’s available to those with a contributor’s mentality. That is what’s available to those who GIVE! I encourage you commit to being a giver: financially, relationally, socially, in any area of need…because giving truly is the way to access abundant living.

+ Michael Grant Jr


As we go through life things happen that cause us to question our faith. When we don’t see our expectation in a timely manner, often times we settle in our minds that it’s not going to happen…we assume that it just is what it is. Hebrews 10:38-39 calls that draw back, and when we draw back in faith it is displeasing to God. I recently came across a word that I believe is the perfect antidote for moments of draw back; the word is REVENANT. At its root meaning, revenant simply means “coming back”. When we experience those moments of doubt, God wants us to be revenant concerning our faith…He wants us to move from drawing back to coming back. I encourage you to embrace this as your season of the COME-BACK! In areas that you have drawn back concerning your faith, it’s time to come back to believing again and having faith in God because NOTHING is impossible for Him!

+ Michael Grant, Jr