As we go through life things happen that cause us to question our faith. When we don’t see our expectation in a timely manner, often times we settle in our minds that it’s not going to happen…we assume that it just is what it is. Hebrews 10:38-39 calls that draw back, and when we draw back in faith it is displeasing to God. I recently came across a word that I believe is the perfect antidote for moments of draw back; the word is REVENANT. At its root meaning, revenant simply means “coming back”. When we experience those moments of doubt, God wants us to be revenant concerning our faith…He wants us to move from drawing back to coming back. I encourage you to embrace this as your season of the COME-BACK! In areas that you have drawn back concerning your faith, it’s time to come back to believing again and having faith in God because NOTHING is impossible for Him!
+ Michael Grant, Jr